Dual Luxury World is a one-stop solution that provides investments for High Net worth Individuals to gain global freedom by investing in citizenship and permanent residency programmes.

We are dedicated to providing you with the very best citizenship and permanent residency solutions for you and your family’s future. With an emphasis on combining innovative solutions using our global reach and a transparent approach to provide truly exceptional service.

Dual Luxury world was borne from a place of passion, also recognising the need to provide greater freedom to travel and asset optimization for High Net Worth Individuals.

The name dual luxury was inspired by the desire to provide a better future for individuals and transforming their dreams to reality through the luxurious experience of having more than one nationality thereby enhancing global partnerships through investment as well as travel freedom.


To be the most preferred Citizenship by investment company in Africa. To be the lading partners in Dual Citizenship programs.


To constantly create global freedom opportunities for families and businesses that offer value beyond citizenship acquisition.